Temagami Hiking Trails

Spawning Bay portage.Enjoying Temagami's wilderness used to be the privilege of the hardy canoe tripper or of those who flew in to some remote lake for fishing or relaxing.  While these are still popular, there is a growing demand for a wilderness experience day trip as part of a family vacation, returning to the comfort and amenities of a lodge for the evening.  There are several options for those who want to explore and enjoy the beauty of the area without having to spend the night out of doors. 
One of the most accessible stands of old growth pine is found in the White Bear Forest, located within an hour's walk of the village of Temagami or Finlayson Point Provincial Park.  It was declared a conservation area by the Ministry of Natural Resources in June 1996.  The forest is named after the White Bear Family (or Wabimakwa in the Ojibway language) who used this land for their hunting grounds.  Members of this family still reside in the area.  Archeological evidence places portions of this trail to be in excess of 3000 years old.  Your options vary, from a leisurely one hour, all day, or week-end hiking trips.  The "high point" of this trail is the new viewing platform which has been erected on Caribou Mountain.  Overlooking the Lookout over Temagami at sunset. village of Temagami and Lake Temagami, this spectacular lookout gives visitors a sense of the many facets of the Temagami experience, from the ribbon of development along Highway 11, to the vastness of the lakes and forests beyond.  Adjacent to the platform is a site that has been used by the Ministry of Natural Resources for "Project Peregrine," a program hoping to reintroduce the endangered Peregrine Falcon to nesting sites in Ontario.

The Temagami Island Old Growth Trail is located in the geographic center of Lake Temagami and can be accessed from the Red Squirrel Road or by water at the end of the Lake Temagami Access Road.  Other trails form part of the Temagami Island system and lead to the former Copperfields Mine site which once mined the richest copper ore in Canada.

Ferguson MountainThe Ferguson Trail is located at the north end of Lake Temagami near Sandy Inlet and can also be accessed from the Red Squirrel Road or by water.  This trail features a climb up Ferguson Mountain to a height 123 meters above Lake Temagami.  Both Maple Mountain and the Ishpatina Ridge (Ontario's highest point) are visible from the summit.  The trail system runs south to Kokoko Lake for those desiring an extended hike.

One of Ontario's largest old growth pine stands is found just north of Obabika Lake in Temagami's backcountry.  This area is accessed by canoe, floatplane or by boat on Obabika Lake.  Wilderness trails have also been established but are not marked.

High Rock LookoutA fly-in day trip is an option for many of the remote hiking and high point look-outs (High Rock lookout shown), and is an ideal activity to add in to your visit; whether you are staying at a lodge, a campground, or on a houseboat during your vacation.  Be sure to take your video or still camera along to record a chance sighting of some of the area's abundant wildlife.  Some lodges offer wildlife viewing or photo tour packages.

Find books on Temagami, Hap Wilson's Canoe Routes maps and books, and other equipment linked below at Amazon.

For those planning a longer trek in the wilderness, trail maps and canoe route maps for your wilderness vacation are available at Ottertooth.com, as well as many local outfitters.